TOPS美国托普斯尖端战术Apache Dawn
Tops Tactical Ops USA --中文称为:尖端战术-刀具公司,这个全球知名的专业刀具制造商位于美国的爱达荷州(IDAHO),是由“Mike Fuller”(迈克福勒)先生创办的。TOPS公司有一句格言在业界无人不晓:“One knife one Life”意思是:一生可以信赖的刀具,也可以翻译成:一生使用这一把刀就够了! TOPS公司的产品都是实用性很强的战术刀具,因为老板“福勒”先生以前就是参加过越战的特种部队成员,同时他还召集了许多有相似背景的精英,前任海豹部队指挥官、南非SAS侦察突击队队员、凤凰城SWAT特警队指挥官等一些有着丰富经验的专业人士都是他们的设计师。 他们的产品并没有华丽的外表,甚至没有完整的包装,TOPS公司发言人说:“定制的军刀既是战斗的武器,又是士兵野外生存的工具。它是士兵们最忠实的朋友,只有士兵们才能够体会到在战斗的时候,军刀和他们生命之间存在的亲密关系。 由于产品的实用性强,设计合理而独特,美国政府各个兵种部队开始选购他们的产品。各州警局、西亚沙漠、南非草原都有它的身影,其中最知名的有两个事例,其一是阿帕奇战斗直升机的机组人员把它作为了标准装备。其二是美国航空安全局的空中警察,在911事件以后也选用了它的产品作为执法利器。 Many moons ago…Geronimo (famous Apache Chief and Warrior), was known far and wide as being tough, resilient, hard core, and sharp as a tack….Those who fought with him and against him, respected his tenacity. The ‘Apache Dawn’ has been in constant demand since the day it was introduced. The well-known Apache Helicopter crews requested them as well as field troops from all services looking for a heavy duty battle blade. Its beautiful flowing lines may fool some people, but those who have used it in the field have continually reported great performance on all chores. Handling it is a pleasure. So what…It looks GOOD and it OUT-PERFORMS… APACHE DAWN…personal carry choice…of the quiet professionals. Blade Length: 6 3/4" O/A Length: 12"(全长大约30厘米) Cutting Edge: 6 1/8" Thickness: 1/4" Blade Color: Tactical Gray Steel: 1095 High Carbon Alloy RC-58 Handle Material: G-10 Traction Style Sheath: Ballistic Nylon Weight: 16.2oz Weight w/ Sheath: 21.6oz Mfg. Handcrafted in the USA