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SPYDERCO 美国蜘蛛 FB26GP 一体直刀
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SPYDERCO 美国蜘蛛 FB26GP 一体直刀(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM002273
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  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买SPYDERCO 美国蜘蛛 FB26GP 一体直刀请扫描此二维码

SPYDERCO 美国蜘蛛 FB26GP 一体直刀



名称 FB26GP一体直刀
编号 FB26GP
规格 cm
全长 22.2
刃长 10.5
刃厚 0.35
刃宽  2.7
材质  0-1
硬度  60-61HRC
刀鞘  皮鞘
柄材  G-10
约重  220克
产地 日本

Bushcraft is a tradition as much as a sport. It follows a regime of survival skills derived originally from Bushmen of the southern hemisphere. It’s mainstreamed today by UK resident Ray Mears through his televised programs outlining how to thrive and survive with only a knife both skillfully and comfortably in nature.

Spyderco’s version of a Bushcraft knife results from a three-fold collaboration between Tactical Bushcrafter Chris Claycombe, a Bushcraft website called BushcraftUK.com and Spyderco designers.

Knives used in the practice of Bushcraft have specific parameters such as possessing blades between 4-6 inches. Spyderco’s is typical of the genre with a 4-inch blade (no handguard) that’s fully-tanged. The blade is a Scandinavian or Scandi grind. Scandi edges have a single bevel grind, wide and flat that cuts with strength and is able to withstand twisting and hacking. The blade is made from O-1 tool steel. Bushcrafters generally don’t seek the characteristics of stainless over the performance of high-carbon edge retention, and is why traditional Bushcraft knives are produced using tool steel for their blades. O-1’s high carbon content holds a long-term edge but also sharpens easily when laying on a new edge.

The black G-10 handle is contoured for comfort with a backup lanyard hole and the knife carries in a leather sheath. It is overall blueprinted for performing wilderness chores such as slicing, chopping, whittling and game processing all done in traditional Bushcraft style
SPYDERCO另一强大优势就是它选用的钢材,它们从不用那些低成本、低性能的420或425系列的钢材。而它选用的钢材有AUS系列、ATS系列、440系列以及VG系列,甚至制刀界中的顶极材料CPM440V都是它们的常用材料。在美国Spyderco被称为“标准创立者(Standard Setter)”创新的设计,精良的选材,完美的工艺。




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