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ColdSteel美国冷钢BATTLE GIM 88FG锻造大马士革钢 鍛打中國劍
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ColdSteel美国冷钢BATTLE GIM 88FG锻造大马士革钢 鍛打中國劍(现货)

  • 商品货号:AM000668
  • 本店售价:
  • 用户评价: comment rank 5



购买ColdSteel美国冷钢BATTLE GIM 88FG锻造大马士革钢 鍛打中國劍请扫描此二维码

ColdSteel美国冷钢BATTLE GIM 88FG锻造大马士革钢 鍛打中國劍

While researching traditional Chinese weapons near Shanghai, we visited a distinguished collector who had an ancient Wu Jian, or battle Gim. Its appearance and martial spirit were so unique and impressive that it warranted being reproduced for Cold Steel's customers.

The Battle Gim is forged from our best DAMASCUS STEEL by talented smiths, it features a broad symmetrical point and a slightly wider, heavier blade than custom would dictate. This gives it a more pronounced blade-heavy balance making its twin razor-sharp edges slightly more suitable for cutting and slashing than thrusting.

The attractive Rosewood hilt is framedby a blackened iron guard and pommel. They're embellished with an intricate filigree of traditional Chinese Peony flowers and leaves. The matching Rosewood scabbard is styled in a similar fashion on its chape, throat and ring mounts.

Radiantly polished, with twin combat sharp edges, this is not only a vividly striking Gim, but one that you can stake your life on in battle.
鋒利度: 四至五顆星,已開封,很鋒利,比賣場的鯤鵬劍還鋒利。
彈性: 五顆星。鯤鵬劍可以彎到80度回彈的冷鋼,戰武鯤鵬絕對不輸。
握柄: 三至四顆星,此握柄讓人揮舞起來方向感平平,長度雙手握有點勉強。

實戰價值: 這一款的實戰價值我沒有評價幾顆星,因為這一款有其特殊的地方,實戰價值因人而異。
單手拿起來感覺明顯比鯤鵬劍重,雖然只重1百克,主要因為重心較偏前。 重心偏前,而且更鋒利,代表的是超強的劈砍能力。 但是握柄主要是設計單手握的,一般人力量不夠,根本不能發揮這把劍的威力。 這把劍是給壯士用的,也只有力量大的劍士才可以同時發揮這口寶劍的威力和靈活性。

另外,這把劍是大馬士革鋼的,就是所謂的折疊鋼,是經過反覆地鍛打、摺疊、加熱,經過好幾次的反覆程序,才會形成所謂的千層鋼花紋。 假設鋼材跟鯤鵬劍的1055 碳鋼同等級的話,那大馬士革鋼的強韌度一定會更強,因為花紋鋼層數成千上萬,會比單一結構的鋼材要強上許多。 這把戰武鯤鵬的鋼材確實能替實戰加分。
收藏價值: 古樸的外表,優美的大馬士革鋼花紋與裝具精美雕花,高級壇木握柄 Rosewood。 折疊鋼花紋表面又有拋光。 有沒有收藏價值由你決定,至少我保證物超所值。 

型 号: 88FG 
全 长: 939.8mm 
刀 长: 762mm 
刃 材: GIM锻造大马士革钢
硬 度: 58HRC 
表 面: 手工研磨
柄 长: 177.8mm 
重 量: 1105g 
柄 材:  黄檀+  雕牡丹 
刀 鞘:紫檀鞘+黑铁装具


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